Work package 1: Characterize the agricultural and agro-industry sectors in Mediterranean countries

Team leader: CIHEAM/IAMM (France)
Other participants: ENSAM, CSIC, METU, IAV,IO, UC

The first task is to characterize the agricultural and agro-industrial sectors in the Mediterranean countries, particularly as relevant to fruits, vegetables, and olive oil. That description will cover natural endowment; farm structure; employment; farm capital and investment; rural infrastructure; transport and marketing systems; key characteristics of the food processing, distribution, and retailing systems; production and consumption levels and trends; yields and intermediate output use; and price levels. We will go beyond these basic elements and create useful indicators illustrating the relative importance of fruits, vegetables, and olive oil in the national economy and exports for Mediterranean countries. We will conduct analysis to explain trends that appear to be important.


The deliverables will include reports for Morocco, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, and Israel, plus a comprehensive report covering these countries and all the other Mediterranean countries included in this study.