Work package 2: Characterize the agricultural sectors in major European regions for production of fruits, vegetables, and olive oil
Team leader: ENSA/INRA
Montpellier (France)
Other participants : CSIC Madrid, CIHEAM-IAMM
Description of work
At the same
time task 1 is in progress on Mediterranean countries, task 2 will be performing
essentially the same analysis for major European regions for fruits, vegetables,
and olive oil. We will draw upon resources and expertise from all the major
producing regions in Europe (especially Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, and
In tasks 1 and 2, we will also use the Marketing Chain (Analyse de Filière)
approach for selected chains in order to take into account not only the global
aggregates, but also the role and dynamics of institutions and economic agents
involved in the whole food chain (producers, manufacturers, distributors,
exporters/importers, consumers). We will collect data on major food industries
such as value added in the sector, number of enterprises, number of employees,
profitability, foreign capital, etc., to develop a good understanding of the
sub-sector. The supply chains will involve interactions on both sides of the
The reports
for this task will be produced by group of products plus one summary volume.
There will be one report on European fruit, vegetables, olive oil, and processed
food products that could compete with Mediterranean products. Thus there will
be four product group reports plus a summary report covering all the products
and all production regions for the EU.That information will serve as the point
of departure for the analysis of impacts on the EU of trade liberalization
with the Mediterranean countries.