Work package 3: Describe and quantify the EU protection systems for fruits, vegetables, and olive oil
Team leader: INRA
Nantes (France)
Other participants : CIHEAM-IAMM
Description of work
Trade liberalization
agreements between the EU and Mediterranean countries could result in major
changes in European protection of fruits, vegetables, and olive oil. Protection
of fruits and vegetables in Europe is unusually complex. In order to analyze
the impacts of changes in EU policies for these commodities, we must have
a comprehensive picture of the protection now in force between the EU and
Mediterranean partners. The EU has a number of preferential agreements with
Mediterranean countries, but the agreements may vary by commodity and country.
To undertake this analysis, we will make use of the TARIC (Directorate General
for Taxation-EU) data base. This is a relational data base containing the
tariff and non-tariff barriers and the measures and rules for their application.
This data base serves as the reference point for European Union member states
and is updated constantly as needed. The nomenclature used for tariffication
is much more complex than that used for analyzing trade flows. The additional
specificity sometimes is related to quality, but may be linked to other characteristics
as well such as seasonality or entry price. These elements are of great importance
in understanding EU protection, especially for fruits and vegetables. These
considerations lead us to examine in addition to the rules actually applied
(TARIC), the conditions of effective use of the rules by importers. This analysis
will be done by treating information on Single Administrative Declarations
(SAD) from the customs office (Domain Comext – Taric (Eurostat)). In
addition to quantifying the effective tariffs in place, we will also summarize
important regulations that translate to non-tariff barriers.
In addition to handling the important fruits, vegetables, and olive oil from
Mediterranean countries, we will also conduct the same analysis for commodities
likely to be important Mediterranean imports from the EU. That is, we will
quantify the current protection levels for EU exports of cereals, meats, milk,
etc. to the Mediterranean countries.
The two deliverables will be a report and data set containing a complete explanation and quantification of the protection measures in place for the major fruit, vegetable, oil, and processed food products from each of the five important Mediterranean exporting countries and another giving the MED protection of commodities important to the EU. This information will be available on the project web site as well as in report form.