EU-MED AGPOL Impacts of agricultural trade liberalization between the EU and Mediterranean countries



Work package 2

Project reports
  • Deliverable 12 - The vulnerability of Euro-Mediterranean Regions producing processed and fresh fruit and vegetables in a context of international liberalization / La vulnérabilité des régions européennes productrices de fruits et légumes transformés dans un contexte de libéralisation internationale. Eu-Med AgPol, May 2006
    French version English version
  • Deliverable 11 - The vulnerability of European Regions producing processed fruit and vegetables in a context of international liberalization / La vulnérabilité des régions européennes productrices de fruits et légumes transformés dans un contexte de libéralisation internationale.

    Report n°1 : The vulnerability of European Regions producing processed fruit and vegetables in a context of international liberalization / La vulnérabilité des régions européennes productrices de fruits et légumes transformés dans un contexte de libéralisation internationale. Eu-Med AgPol, January 2006
    French version Synthesis and Conclusions in English

    Report n°2 : Impacts of agricultural trade liberalization between the EU and Mediterranean countries: the case of the tomato processing industry - Eu-Med AgPol, April 2006
    French version

  • Deliverable 10 - Characterization of European Olive Oil Production and Markets. Eu-Med AgPol, August 2005
    English version

Annual meeting in Istanbul, May 9-12, 2005 - Presentations :

  • J.L. Rastoin, J.C. Montigaud, N. Ayadi :
    Deliverables 8-9- Characterization of European Fruit and Vegetable Production and Markets
  • S. Mili :
    Deliverable 10 - Characterization of European Olive Oil Production and Markets
  • J.L. Rastoin, S. Tozanli, N. Ayadi :
    Work in progress for :
    Deliverable 11 - Characterization of European Production & Consumption of Processed Fruit and Vegetables


  • Method: Grille d'analyse des filières Fruits et Légumes, Nassima AYADI. June 2004.
  • Analytical scheme: Characterization of European olive oil production and markets, Samir MILI
    (CSIC - Madrid). Sept. 2004.


Meeting WP2 team - CIHEAM-IAM.M, Montpellier - October 24, 2004

Meeting of the WP2 team, Bruxelles, November 25, 2004