Project Reports
Deliverable 21- Mediterranean production
and export potential for fruit, vegetables, olive oil.
Eu-Med AgPol, May 2006
Deliverable 20- Effects of EU liberalization
scenarios on Israel-EU trade in agricultural products.
Israeli Production and Export Potential for fruits
and vegetables: Expert Panel Analysis using the Delphi
technique. Eu-Med AgPol, March 2006
Deliverable 18 - Tunisian Production
and Export Potential for Olive Oil - An Expert Panel Analysis.
Eu-Med AgPol, September 2006
Deliverable 19 - Egyptian production
and export potential for fruit and vegetables - An expert
panel analysis . Eu-Med AgPol, May 2006
Deliverable 17 - Turkish production
and export potential for fruits, vegetables, olive oil
and processed foods. An expert panel analysis.
Eu-Med AgPol, March 2006
Deliverable 16 -
- Report n°1: Moroccan production
and export potential for fruits, vegetables, and processed
foods - An expert panel analysis. Eu-Med AgPol,
March 2006
- Report n°2: Contraintes et
perspectives de développement de l'industrie
des fruits et légumes transformés au Maroc.
Eu-Med AgPol, April 2006
Annual meeting in Montpellier, May 17-20,
Presentation of the WP5 results. Expert surveys on export
- Turkey - Erol Cakmak, Hassan Dudu
(Middle East Technical University, Ankara)

- Morocco
- Najib Akesbi (IAV Hassan II, Rabat)

- Egypt
- Gamal Siam (Cairo University)

- Israel
- Amir Heiman, Yacov Tsur (Hebrew University Jerusalem)
- Tunisia
- Boubakker Karray (IO Sfax)

Methodology documents, July 2005
Annual meeting in Istanbul, May 9-12, 2005
- Presentations
- Fatima El Hadad, Charlotte Emlinger, Akka Ait El Mekki,
Sonia Tyouss, Samir Mili, Wallace Tyner,
Le Maroc : enjeux
d'une libéralisation des échanges avec
l'Union Européenne 
Volume 1 de l'étude : "Les relations
économiques et commerciales de l'espace euro-méditerranéen
dans les domaines agricoles et agro-alimentaires - Dynamique
des échanges et projets communs de développement
"- Projet MAAPAR 03 G60101 - Coordination Florence
Jacquet - IAM.M - Juillet 2004
- Theodore Jay Gordon,
The Delphi Method,
Futures Research Methodology, AC/UNU Millenium Project,