Project agenda
April 19, 2007 |
Final meeting of the Eu-Med Agpol and
the Medfrol Projects with the participation of the
EU Commission, in Brussels
March 15-16, 2007

Final meeting of the Eu-Med Agpol and
the Medfrol Projects, in Paris, France
See Private Ressources for
October 14, 2006 |
Workshop on Modelisation in Paris
June 29, 2006 |
Annual meeting of the MEDFROL project
at the MAI-CH, Greece
17-20th, 2006

Annual meeting of the
project at the MAI Montpellier, France
See private ressources :
16th, 2005 |
Meeting in Brussels with the EU Commission
Objective of the meeting : to discuss on
liberalization scenarios
See private ressources :
9-12th, 2005

Annual meeting of the project in Istanbul,
See private ressources :
Steering Committee Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey
See private ressources :
14-15th, 2005 |
Participation to the seminar "Prospects
for production and export in the Moroccan citrus
fruit and tomato sectors - DELPHI Study"
in Agadir, Morocco. See
Meeting Reports
December 13th, 2004
The aim is to have a discussion mainly
focused on coordination between WP 3, 4, 5 and 6.
See Meeting Reports
November 25th, 2004 |
Meeting : WP 2 team : J-L Rastoin
(ENSAM), J-C Montigaud (ENSAM-INRA), Nassima Ayadi
(ENSAM) and DG Agriculture in Brussels.
Objective of the meeting : WP 2 team met Mr. T.
Garcia Azcarate (Head of unit AGRI C.4) to discuss
on the EC’s opinions about the methodology for the
quantitive analysis : vulnerability index, variables
to be taken into account, choice of products, ...
The main objective of this WP is to appreciate the
impact of a trade liberalization for major European
regions for fruits, vegetables and olive oil.
See WP2
November 20th, 2004 |
Coordination Meeting in Montpellier :
Florence Jacquet (project coordinator-IAM Montpellier),
Fatima El Hadad (project manager-IAM Montpellier),
WP 1 Morocco team (Najib Akesbi IAV- Rabat, Rachid
Doukkali- IAV-Rabat), WP 1 Turkish team (Erol Cakmak-
METU - Ankara, Selma Tozanli- IAM- Montpellier),
Michel Petit (Steering Commitee - IAM-Montpellier).
See Meeting Reports |
November 16th, 2004 |
Joint advisory group meeting. Eu staff,
See Meeting Reports
November 15th, 2004 |
Work Package 1 files online:
Report: Characterization of the
Turkish Agricultural sector with special emphasis
on fruits, vegetables and processed foods. (Deliverable
See Publications
Draft report: Characterization
of the Moroccan Agricultural sector with special
emphasis on fruits, vegetables and processed foods.
(Deliverable D2).
See WP1
Report: Plan for using and disseminating
knowledge. (Deliverable 02).
October 24th, 2004 |
Meeting of the WP2 team.
See WP2
October 16-29th, 2004 |
Wallace Tyner's visit in Montpellier.
Numerous activities were accomplished during this
visit for the project EU-MED AGPOL.
See Meeting Reports
July 6th, 2004 |
Advisory group - Eu staff, MEDFROL and
Preparation of a collaboration network between EUMED
Agpol and MEDFROL.
Participants from EUMED Agpol:
Florence Jacquet, Erol Cakmak.
See Cooperation with Medfrol
July 4th - 6th, 2004 |
and Trade Policies for Mediterranean Agriculture:
the case of Fruit and Vegetables and Olive oil)
Launch meeting at MAICH Chania (Greece).
See Medfrol Web site
Participants from EUMED Agpol:
Florence Jacquet, Erol Cakmak
Preparation of a collaboration network between EUMED
Agpol and MEDFROL
for collaboration
March 18th - 19th,
2004 |
launch meeting at Montpellier (France).
See Meeting reports