Final meeting in Paris, 15/16 March
WP 6 - Modelling results
- CAPRI - M.Adenaeuer,
L. Weissleder (IAP Bonn)

- Turkey - E. Cakmak (METU

- Morocco - R. Doukkali (IAV
Hassan II Rabat)

Projet reports
Deliverable 24: Quantitative assessment
of EU-Mediterranean trade liberalization using the CAPRI
modelling system. Eu-Med AgPol, October 2006
Deliverable 22: Impacts of EU integration
on Turkish Agriculture. Eu-Med Agpol, October 2006
Workshop on Modelisation, in Paris,
October 14, 2006
Intermediate CAPRI results
Intermediate CAPRI results
Tables will be revised regularly. Last
update: May 29, 2006
Annual meeting in Montpellier, May 17-20, 2006
Presentation of the WP6 modelling on-going work
- Lucie Weissleder, Franziska
Junker, Wolfgang Britz (Institute for Agricultural
Policy, Bonn):
to EU-Med Agpol based on the CAPRI modeling systemoverview,
progress in the first two yearsand outlook.
- Erol H. Çakmak, H. Ozan Eruygur
(Middle East Technical University, Ankara):
of EU membership on Turkey in Agriculture: a sector
model approach with maximum entropy. 
Annual meeting
in Istanbul, May 9-12, 2005 - Presentations :