French National Institute for Agricultural
Research (INRA),
Nantes, France
Team Leader Emmanuelle Chevassus
Two laboratories participate in the project,
one from Nantes (Unité Mixte de Recherche EDRA
/Université de Nantes, headed by Dr E. Chevassus-Lozza)
and the other from Paris (UMR Economie Publique /INAPG).
Those two teams have a large experience of collaborating
together. They have been working extensively on agricultural
policy, trade and competitiveness. The group has recently
worked on the impact of the Eastern European Enlargement
on trade and published extensively on CAP reform,
competitiveness in trade, effective protection, and
agricultural trade negotiations.
Research staff involved in the Project:
Emmanuelle Chevassus-Lozza
is Director of research (INRA). Her research activities
with Dr Jacques Gallezot, focus on
agricultural sector modelling, and international economics
with special reference to the Uruguay Round Agricultural
Agreement and the World Trade Organisation. Dr.
Sophie Drogué is an econometrician,
she has worked extensively on the issue of agricultural
protection and impacts of changes in agricultural policy
using tools such as the GTAP analytical framework and
data base. The team has worked as consultants on agricultural
tariffs and protection issues for the Directorate general
"Agriculture" of the European Commission.
Researchers put together the tariff datasets for the
European Union program of studies in order to prepare
the Doha Round of negotiations on agriculture.